Sunday, December 13, 2009


December has come, and we all know that December is the month when Jesus Christ was born. We celebrate the Christmas every year during December 25. Nine days before the Christmas there's a mass during dawn. This is the way how we show our love and faithfulness to him. Jesus Christ was born because he is the one who saves us when we are in need.
Even if Christmas is not yet really here, we all feel the essence of it. Many families decorating their houses, even in the schools, churches and even along the way, and wherever you go, you feel the essence of Christmas.Christmas day is very enjoyable day because there are so many events that will done during this day, like Christmas Programs of every schools not only in the school but also in the office work and others. Christmas is the day that the family stays together. In our own Barangay there are also many events tat will happen.
We should not forget that Christmas is very important to every one. Christmas is the day that we should forgive the person who commit mistakes to us, and to ask forgiveness to the person whom we commit mistakes. And we should love each other. Christmas is very enjoyable, so don't miss it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


The most awaited month has came, many students and teachers of ISNHS waiting for the month of November. In this month we were celebrated the Values Club Month. Many students enjoyed this month because it was very enjoyable. The Values Club prepared a contests like cookfest, sayawit, kite flying, and every other morning there was a morning trivia. The students enjoyed the kite flying,,girl...boy...almost all of us enjoyed it.
Ad this month the City Meet was also held in this month at the ISNHS campus. Many different schools came to be the part of the City meet. And we should thank Lord because this Meet was held orderly.
And almost all the events ISNHS athletes won. And I am proud to be a part of ISNHS.
These were the thins happen during the month of NOVEMBER...